Compressed air energy saver!
A typical compressed air system loses air through leaking pipe connections and float type traps etc.
By installing an AIR-SAVER, the end user will limit air losses. At the end of the working day, the AIR-SAVER will close the air flow and save the compressed air generated in the air tank.
The AIR-SAVER is usually installed on the air outlet of the air tank. Alternatively, it is used in larger factories to shut down certain parts of the compressed air system, where during certain parts of the day no compressed air is required.
The AIR-SAVER has been proven to save millions of m³ of compressed air worldwide. AIR-SAVER helps end-users prevent compressed air from escaping unnecessarily, reducing compressor running hours and extending compressor life, saving energy and running costs. A simple but exciting programming module! The control module offers simple programming and interesting display features, giving you visual information and corporate branding options.