Dryer by adsorption

DA 001 to DA 015

The DA dryers use the principle of adsorption under pressure in order to effectively dry the compressed air produced upstream of the network. Thanks to its efficient system of two columns without heat integrated on a functional chassis, this allows the achievement of the dew point under expected pressure (-40°C to -70°C). In this sense, each column contains a volume of desiccant defined to ensure adsorption of the water contained in the air. During regeneration, the desiccant releases the water molecules captured under the effect of the stream of compressed air.

The adsorbent is then ready for a new drying cycle.


The humid air produced by the compressor enters directly into the dryer and passes through column A, (for maximum efficiency, we recommend the use of an additional SCF filter when used in a 100% saturated wet area, especially when there is no separator at the compressor outlet) after passing through the two high-efficiency filters CF, grade M, then S.



The humid air passes through the desiccant where the water vapor is adsorbed by the latter. Subsequently, the dry air passes through a CF type P particle filter that retains all the desiccant particles (25 micron) before being sent into the customer’s process (tank, users…).

Simultaneously, a small amount of dry air is poured into column B and expelled into the atmosphere through high-performance silencers to remove the contained moisture and thus regenerate the desiccator for a new cycle. During this new cycle, air passes through column B while column A regenerates.

The DA dryers are all equipped as standard with a digital controller that controls the operation and the switching of solenoid valves in order to reverse the operation of each column and permanently ensure the continuous supply of dry air to the user and the process.

Class if -40°:

2.2.1 if M filter in dryer output

1.2.1 if M and S filter at the dryer output

Class if -70°:

2.1.1 if M filter at the dryer output

1.1.1 if M and S filter at the dryer output