
Spiral compressors - Modèle Éole RUBIS 37 / 3.7 kW G1 Scroll Compressor

RUBIS / OFL oil free Range

Technical Specifications

Power: 3.7 kW
Pressure: 8 or 10 bar
Air flow: 21.3 m3h at 10 bar – 25.2 m3h at 8 bar (specify your requirements)
Dimensions: 750 / 628 / 850 (mm)
Weight: 151 kg
Noise level: 50 ±3 dB
IWATA head

6980.00  HT

Our range of RUBIS compressors provides 100% de-oiled air.

The units are made up of several modules controlled by “multilevel” software which ensures optimised operation and continuous .

They are extremely quiet and compact.

100% oil-free air

  • according to ISO 8573-1 Class O
  • Meets all industryexpectations

Multilevel” software

  • Automatic modulecontrol
  • Optimisedsafety

Low noise level

  • Modular design ensures low noise levels, regardless of the power supplied by the unit
  • Possibility of placing the compressor in sensitive areas
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.