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New compressor range: Elan
ELAN / 15 to 315 kW
Direct drive screw compressors
Our range of ELANcompressors is designed to offer rock-solid reliability.
A semi-elastic direct coupling between the motor and compressor ensures excellent efficiency.
One compressor block size per motor to optimise performance
No loss of energy in the transmission
- Direct coupling limits energy losses, speeds are 2950 rpm
Reduced maintenance costs
- Maintenance intervals
- Longer service life for motor bearings and compression block.
IE3 motor and oversized fans
- High efficiency
- Reducedenergy consumption
- Excellent machine cooling for longer service life
Easy-to-use EOLE MAM 880 controller
- Clear display of all parameters
- Temperature, pressure, amperage
- Total hours and hours on load
- Automatic maintenance reminder
- Safety device in case of wiring error
- Local or remote start/stop
Very good accessibility
- The compressor casing can be completely removed, giving access to all the compressor components.
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